
Mission and Vision


At SperoVue, we believe that healing starts at home. Our mission is to provide premier behavioral health treatment and education to individuals, families, and entire communities, right from the comfort of their own homes. We’re dedicated to empowering our clients to take control of their mental health and achieve their goals, one step at a time. Join us on this journey towards a brighter, healthier future!


Raise Resiliency

Facilitate Flourishing

Promote Suicide Prevention

Seven Core Values


Knowledge is not just power, it’s healing too! As your therapist, I believe that accurate and reliable information is essential for your mental health, just like fruits and veggies are essential for your physical health. That’s why I have a dedicated learning section on my website where you can access the evidence-based information on various topics that you may be struggling with. However, let’s not mix our apples and oranges here! During our therapy sessions, my focus is on creating a safe space for you to explore your thoughts and emotions. I’m not here to lecture you or bombard you with facts and figures like a textbook. Instead, I’m here to listen and support you as you work towards your goals.

Did you know that learning something new actually changes the structure of your brain? That’s right – when you learn, your brain forms new connections between neurons, which strengthens your ability to learn even more. So outside of our sessions, I encourage you to soak up knowledge like a sponge – whether it’s from a trusted source, a book, a podcast, or a hilarious YouTube video. Because when you have the right information, you can make better decisions, set realistic goals, and gain the confidence to create positive changes in your life. So let’s keep our therapy sessions free from information overload and focus on what really matters – you!

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Unconditional Positive Regard

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At the core of my practice is the belief that every single human being is a treasure, no matter what their gender, ethnicity, or social status may be. It’s like the ultimate game of ‘Priceless Antiques Roadshow’ and everyone is a valuable masterpiece waiting to be discovered. I believe that every human experience is unique and deserves to be respected and appreciated. From the tiniest baby to the wisest sage, every person has something to offer and deserves to be celebrated.


Compassion is the fertile seedbed of human development.  It is the Miracle-Gro for human potential. Every individual is deserving of compassion, regardless of their background or circumstances. It’s the fertilizer that allows us to to bloom, and the spark that ignites the fire of progress. So let’s plant some seeds of compassion and watch as we grow into our best selves!

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Integrity is like a superhero cape – it empowers us to do the right thing even when no one is watching. By holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards, we feel like superheroes with an unwavering moral compass. And let’s face it, who doesn’t want to be a superhero?


Hope is a bright, shining light that guides us through even the darkest of days. It’s like the GPS that helps us navigate life’s twists and turns, and reminds us that we’re capable of achieving great things. As your therapist, I’m like your co-pilot on this journey, helping you stay on course and keeping the hope alive. Together, we’ll set goals and work towards them, big or small, so that you can live the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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Work hard, play hard…but mostly work hard! Small steps taken every day, fueled by the right principles, can lead to amazing results. It’s like building a skyscraper – one brick at a time. And just like a skyscraper, your accomplishments can tower over the horizon. So roll up your sleeves, grab your hard hat, and let’s get to work! “


Okay, let’s get one thing straight – I may have some fancy degrees and certifications, but that doesn’t make me the almighty know-it-all of your life. I’m here to listen and work with you, not preach from a pedestal. In fact, one of my core values is humility – I believe that every person has something valuable to contribute, and I’m not afraid to admit when I’m wrong or when I don’t have all the answers. Plus, let’s be real, the real heroes of therapy are the brave individuals who have the courage to confront their challenges and work towards growth. So, let’s ditch the power differentials and work together as a team – because credit for success should always go to the person who has put in the most blood, sweat, and tears.